
的 学术交流 division at 亚洲博彩平台排名 Libraries helps scholars use, 创建, and publish scholarship in ways that promote open access, 可访问性, and responsible dissemination of intellectual work. 的 学术交流 division is here to help faculty, 工作人员, and students with expertise during the traditional scholarly publishing cycle, 数字奖学金的需求, or any other stages of the research timeline.


的 亚洲博彩平台排名 教师 Senate adopted an open access policy on April 28, 2020. This policy shows 亚洲博彩平台排名’s commitment to disseminating the fruits of research and scholarship as widely as possible. Open access policies increase authors’ rights, readership and citation rates for scholarly articles. 的 opt out provision ensures that all faculty authors have the freedom to publish in the journal of their choice.


对数字奖学金感兴趣? Curious about how to incorporate technology in the classroom or in your own research? 你需要可视化你的数据吗?

We’re excited to collaborate with you on your digital projects and to help you experiment with new kinds of research and learning.

数字共享 @ 博彩平台排名


的 数字公共资源@亚洲博彩平台排名 is a valuable way to extend the scholarly output of 亚洲博彩平台排名 to include greater reach and increased circulation not only in Indiana, 而是在全国乃至更远的地方. 这增加了能见度, 意识, and stability benefits both content creators and 亚洲博彩平台排名 as well.


  • 版权磋商
  • Helping with Copyright and License Agreements from your publisher. We can help you retain the most rights possible
  • Checking publisher copyright permissions for your published articles
  • Helping identify open access journals in your field

数字共享 ensures that a copy of your work is preserved, so you’ll never need to track down your manuscript again! 数字共享 will also provide monthly readership reports which include statistics on the number of views, 下载, and social media shares your scholarship has 创建d!

If you would like to deposit your scholarship in 数字共享, review our 数码公地核对表 给博彩平台排名发邮件 digitalscholarship@qyygsl.com. Our 学术交流小组 will contact you with more information and for copies of your author manuscripts.


学术交流 Librarian – Associate Professor


If you’re interested in one of more of the services we offer but are still unsure of how to proceed, request to sit down with our team and we’d be happy to explore all the different options for your particular project or idea.